2024 CND Factory Tour Landing Page
![intel logo](https://storage-asset.msi.com/event/2024/CND/factory-tour/images/intel-logo.png)
Discover the Heart of Innovation: Inside MSI's High-Quality Motherboards
A behind-the-scenes look at how cutting-edge technology comes to life.
Inside the World of MSI: A Glimpse of Excellence
Relive the exclusive motherboard factory tour that reveals the innovation and craftsmanship behind MSI’s industry-leading hardware.
How Are Motherboards Made
The journey of transforming a PCB into a fully functional motherboard involves several intricate steps. Let’s dive into the process and discover how it all comes together!
Step 1.
Solder Paste Printer
Step 2.
Solder Paste Printer
Step 3.
High-Speed Placement Machine
Step 4.
Step 5.
Automatic Optical Inspection
Step 6.
Auto Router Machine
Step 7.
Auto Insertion Machine
Step 8.
Components Inspection
Step 9.
Wave Solder
Step 10.
Alloy Welding
Step 11.
Dual Side Optical Inspection
Step 12.
In Circuit Tester
Step 13.
Automatic Screw Locking Machine
Step 14.
Full Function Test (100%)
Step 15.
Automatic Molding